Contract: #MHEC US-OMA-1164550
Notice (1/29/2025): MHEC has awarded a contract to Oracle under the Next Generation Higher Education ERP System of Systems (MHEC-RFP-04182024) and is in the process of finalizing a new Oracle Master Agreement. The agreement’s effective date will be upon execution, and details will be posted once finalized. If you have an upcoming order, renewal, or support request, please check with your Oracle representative to confirm whether it will be processed under the current MHEC US-OMA-1164550 or the new agreement once in place. For more details on the solicitation and awarded vendors, visit MHEC’s RFP announcement.
MHEC conducted a competitive sourcing event for higher education Information Technology solutions for complex hybrid administrative systems in August 2016 and has awarded a contract to Oracle America Inc. for Oracle: programs, software update license and support, hardware, hardware and systems support, training, consulting services, cloud services and managed cloud services. The contract is available to all public and not-for-profit higher education institutions and K-12 districts and schools. Oracle requires user registration to access the contract. Oracle is currently updating their website supporting the MHEC contract. To obtain contract documentation contact If you need assistance contact
This competitively bid contract offers pricing and discounting terms for:
- New On-Prem Program Licenses and Technical Support
- Oracle Cloud Services
- System Hardware and Software
- Oracle Consulting Services
- Oracle Managed Cloud Services
- Oracle University Training Services
Dave Schreiber
Oracle Education and Research
(847) 323-3890
Nathan Sorensen
MHEC Director of Government Contracts
(612) 677-2767
This contract (MHEC US-OMA-1164550) is effective February 5, 2018, through February 5, 2025.