Open Educational Resources

What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are high-quality teaching and learning materials that are free for educators and students to use, customize, and share. The use of such resources addresses the rapid increase in the cost of textbooks and other learning materials in the last two decades and supports instructional innovation.

How is MHEC addressing OER in the Midwest and beyond?

MHEC supports its member states as they increase their capacity to implement OER and establish sustainable use of them at the institutional, system, and state levels. This work at MHEC started in 2018 with a kick-off at the OER Implementation and Policy Summit for the MHEC States. In 2020, the four regional compacts formed a nationwide network of OER support known as the National Consortium of Open Educational Resources (NCOER). Each regional compact received an 18-month, $250,000 grant from the Hewlett Foundation to increase OER capacity and implementation in its member states, to share best practices, scale successful efforts, and leverage collective resources to enhance OER implementation across the county. In September 2022, MHEC received an additional $432,400 grant from the Hewlett Foundation to continue the work with the Midwestern states and the collaboration with the NCOER.

Together, we are engaging in new opportunities to build capacity for policy and effective practice, enable substantial research, develop open education solutions that promote equitable learning, and support coordination across regions to scale and sustain use of OER across the country.

Stay in Touch

Sign up for our MHEC OER Newsletter.
Join an OER State Action Team.

OER Resources

In the side navigation you will find links to resources to support your work in OER, including links to repositories to find OER, research on the efficacy of OER, state and leader advocacy resources, and details about past events sponsored and hosted by MHEC.


Creative Commons Certificate Alumna, Angelique Carson, Discusses the Program and Her Passion for OER Advocacy

State Leaders in OER

Do you know any individuals or organizations who are doing important OER work in the Midwest? Whom would you nominate as an OER leader in your state?

Contact me for more information
MHEC-Jenny Parks

Jenny Parks

Vice President
Policy & Research