MHEC Executive Committee

Executive Officers:

Chair: Mike Duffey (OH); Vice Chair: Katie Stuart (IL); and Treasurer: Tim Mihalick (ND); Past Chair: Barbara Ballard (KS)

IL Commissioner - Maureen Banks

Maureen Banks

Illinois Community College Board
Board Member
Term: 3/24/2023 to 3/24/2027
IL-Commissioner Katie Stuart

Katie Stuart

Illinois General Assembly
State Representative; Assistant Majority Leader and Floor Whip
Term: 1/25/2023 to 1/2/2025
IN Commissioner - Spencer Deery

Spencer Deery

Indiana General Assembly
State Senator; Majority Member, Education and Career Development Committee
Term: 2/23/2024 to 6/30/2025
IN Commissioner - Dottie King

Dottie King

Independent Colleges of Indiana
President and CEO
Term: 4/12/2024 to 2/28/2028
IA Commissioner - Jacob Bossman

Jacob Bossman

Iowa Legislature
State Representative; Member, Appropriations Committee
Term: 5/3/2023 to 1/12/2025
KS Commissioner - Barbara W. Ballard

Barbara W. Ballard

Kansas Legislature
State Representative; Minority Caucus Chair
Term: 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2025

Blake Flanders

Kansas Board of Regents
President and CEO
Term: 9/15/2022 to 6/30/2026
MI Commissioner - Carol Glanville

Carol Glanville

Michigan Legislature
State Representative; Vice Chair, School Aid and Department of Education Appropriations Subcommittee
Term: 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2024
MI-Commissioner Brandy Johnson

Brandy M. Johnson

Michigan Community College Association
Term: 5/9/2024 to 3/18/2027
MN-Commissioner Dennis Olson

Dennis Olson

Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Term: 2/17/2023 to 1/4/2027; Serves at the Pleasure of the Governor; Minnesota Governor's Designee
MN Commissioner - Scott Olson

Scott Olson

Minnesota State
Term: 9/1/2023 to 1/6/2025
MO Commissioner - Brad Christ

Brad Christ

Missouri General Assembly
State Representative; Member, Budget Committee
Term: 7/23/2024 to 7/1/2026
MO Commissioner - Samantha Dickey

Samantha Dickey

Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development
Assistant Commissioner for Postsecondary Policy
Term: 7/17/2023 to Serves At Pleasure of the Governor; Missouri Governor's Designee
NE Commissioner - John Cavanaugh

John Cavanaugh

Nebraska Legislature
State Senator
Term: 1/16/2025 to 1/1/2027
NE Commissioner - Deborah A. Frison

Deborah A. Frison

Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education
Commission Member
Term: 1/2/2023 to 1/1/2027

Mark Hagerott

North Dakota University System
Term: 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2027
ND Commissioner - Timothy Mihalick

Timothy Mihalick

State Board of Higher Education
Term: 7/1/2021 to 6/30/2025
ND Commissioner - Brandy Pyle

Brandy Pyle

North Dakota Legislative Assembly
State Representative; Member, Appropriations Committee
Term: 8/1/2023 to 7/31/2025
OH-Commissioner Jerry Cirino

Jerry Cirino

Ohio Legislature
State Senator; Chair, Senate Finance Committee
Term: 1/17/2023 to 12/31/2024
OH Commissioner - Mike Duffey

Mike Duffey

Ohio Department of Higher Education
Term: 1/29/2021, Serves At the Pleasure of the Governor; Ohio Governor's Designee
SD Commissioner - Michael Cartney

Michael Cartney

Lake Area Technical College
President Emeritus
Term: 1/3/2021 to 12/31/2024
SD Commissioner - Larry J. Tidemann

Larry J. Tidemann

1/11/2019, Serves At the Pleasure of the Governor; South Dakota Governor's Designee
WI Commissioner - Eric Fulcomer

Eric Fulcomer

Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
Term: 7/1/2023 to 7/1/2027
WI Commissioner - David Murphy

David Murphy

Wisconsin State Legislature
State Representative; Chair, Committee on Colleges and Universities
Term: 4/17/2024 to 6/30/2025
Ex Officios (Former Chairpersons)

Tim Flakoll

Cass County
Term: 1/13/2025 to Serves At the Pleasure of the Governor; North Dakota Governor's Designee

Olivia M.A. Madison

Term: 5/1/2023 to 4/30/2025, Serves At the Pleasure of the Governor; Iowa Governor's Designee
MO Commissioner - David Peare

David Pearce

University of Central Missouri
Executive Director for Government Relations
Term: 10/5/2022 to 1/1/2026