MHEC News October 2024


MHEC is busy preparing for our Annual Commission Meeting in November. We are grateful for the support of our Kansas Commissioners who have helped us assemble a terrific line-up of speakers and activities. Highlights include: A presentation on economic development from the Honorable David Toland, Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce from the State of Kansas (invited) “Mission Possible: Developing Literacy Teachers like Rocket Scientists,” a talk by Dr. Cynthia Lane, Director of the Office of Literacy, Kansas Board of Regents A panel discussion of innovative postsecondary education for incarcerated individuals in the Midwest Tours of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Training Center at Johnson County Community College and the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas We’ll also discuss several important business items, including the restructure of the Midwestern-State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement and MHEC’s budget and investment policy.

This action-packed, three-day gathering offers time for Commissioners and MHEC staff to connect, learn from one another, and spark conversation about ways to strengthen postsecondary education. I look forward to seeing our Commissioners in November and to sharing the outcomes of the meeting with our full MHEC membership in the December edition of MHEC news. Next week, I will be attending the Board meeting of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). This organization expands students’ access to educational opportunities and ensures more efficient, consistent, and effective regulation of distance education programs. I look forward to connecting with my colleagues across the country and sharing what is happening in the Midwest.

Susan G. Heegaard,
MHEC President

Policy & Research

Exploring Changes in Higher Ed Funding Per Student in the Midwest The [latest update <>] to MHEC's Interactive Dashboard shows that state and local appropriations for public higher education per full-time equivalent (FTE) student enrollments increased between 2021-22 and 2022-23 in four Midwestern states (Kansas, Nebraska, Ohio, and South Dakota) and decreased in the other eight Midwestern states, when adjusted for inflation. Funding levels in Illinois and Nebraska remained higher than regional and national averages.

State and local educational appropriations for higher education include funds for public institutional operating expenses and financial aid for students attending public institutions. These appropriations exclude funding for research, agriculture-related programs, medical education, capital outlays (e.g., buildings, land, equipment), and debt service, as well as support for private institutions or students attending them.

Selected finance indicators are also available for MHEC states in the report Higher Education in Focus.

State and Local Education Appropriations for Higher Education per FTE Student

Source. SHEEO. (2024). State Higher Education Finance: FY 2023. Note. Estimates have been adjusted for inflation to 2023 dollars using the Higher Education Cost Adjustment. Educational appropriation estimates for Illinois include legacy pension payments.

Explore the dashboard

Program Updates

Advancing Innovation, Efficiency, and Effectiveness
MHEC will host a roundtable discussion at the annual EDUCAUSE conference October 21-24 on the topic of lifecycle management of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is a foundational system that higher education institutions use to run operations. The conference brings together leading thinkers in higher education technology, providing an opportunity for these leaders to shape MHEC’s continued approach to ERP. Participants will gain insights into overcoming challenges, from implementation to optimization, and engage with peers to refine regional ERP strategies.

Developing Collaborative Solutions to Regional Problems and Opportunities
MHEC will host a Creative Commons webinar on October 24 featuring an alumna who will describe her experience in the CC Certificate for Academic Librarians course, tips for getting through the course content, and how getting CC Certified has helped her work in open education. Participants will also learn about MHEC’s collaborative arrangement with CC that provides a 15% discount on registration.

Driving Cost Savings and Business Solutions
The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) recently released its ninth annual data report. According to Marianne Boeke, president of NC-SARA, “This research is just the latest benchmark to affirm the critical importance distance education continues to have in our system of higher education as we work to meet the complex needs and aspirations of today’s learners, including those who balance multiple work, family, and educational responsibilities.” MHEC works in partnership with the other three regional education compacts and NC-SARA. MHEC President Susan Heegaard serves on the NC-SARA board of directors. SARA reduces regulatory burden for institutions offering interstate distance education and improves student access.
Learn more at


Oct. 22: Breakfast with MHEC at EDUCAUSE MHEC's Technologies Community invites all representatives from public and private (not-for-profit) institutions across the Midwest to a regional networking breakfast at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference 2024 in San Antonio.

Oct. 24: Creative Commons Certificate Webinar Jennryn Wetzler from Creative Commons (CC) will share context about the CC Certificate program and alumna Cindy Kristof will describe her experience in the CC Certificate for Academic Librarians course in this 60-minute webinar.

Nov. 6: Senior Leaders Open Education Seminar Join the Open Education Network for a seminar that will provide the rationale, resources and recommended practices for aligning open educational programs with your institutional, consortial and state-wide strategic priorities.

IT Leadership Launchpad Series Join IT peers for an inspiring, dynamic series focused on tackling real-world challenges faced by higher education IT leaders today. Together, we'll share experiences, collaborate, and develop innovative strategies to elevate IT’s strategic role on your campus.

Oct. 29 – Agility Bootcamp: Register <>]

Nov. 12 – Connecting the Dots: Register <>]

Dec. 10 – Hidden Gems: [Register <>]

View resources from the first two sessions in the series: Sept. 24 on Breaking Down Silos; Oct. 8 on Culture Club.

Team Updates

Dr. Jenny Parks will present at the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships national conference in Orlando, Florida, on October 28-29. NACEP works to ensure that college courses offered by high school teachers are as rigorous as courses offered on the sponsoring college campus. Dr. Parks also presented earlier this fall at the 2024 Convergence: Credential Innovation in Higher Education Conference.

Dr. Aaron Horn presented at JED Policy Summit in Washington, D.C., in early October. The summit explored policy-driven solutions for youth mental health.

Articles and Resources of Interest

As Fake Applications Soar, Colleges Turn to AI | October 1, 2024

The Microcredential Generation | October 1, 2024

2024 EDUCAUSE Landscape Study
EDUCAUSE | September 26, 2024

North Dakota joins national coalition of states working to raise college completion rates
North Dakota Office of the Governor | September 24, 2024
