About this Indicator
The proportion of students taking the SAT who meet the college readiness benchmark provides one measure of the academic preparation of college-bound students. The college readiness benchmark score of 1550 delineates a 65 percent likelihood of attaining at least a “B-” in first-year, four- year college courses. Approximately 54 percent of four-year college freshmen who meet the readiness benchmark complete a bachelor’s degree within four years, relative to 27 percent of students who enroll without meeting the benchmark. 1
The median of the top 5 states includes only states that have a minimum of 60% of students taking the SAT.
Data Source
College Board. SAT suite of assessments annual report.
1 College Board. (2019). SAT suite of assessments annual report. Retrieved from https://reports.collegeboard.org/sat-suite-program-results/state-results