Higher Ed Funding Effort

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About this Indicator

The state’s overall effort to fund higher education is portrayed as state and local fiscal support for higher education per $1,000 of personal income. This is one measure for assessing the level of funding for higher education relative to available resources. State and local fiscal support consists of state tax appropriations, local tax support, additional non-tax funds such as lottery revenue that support higher education, and funds appropriated to other state entities for specific higher education expenditures or benefits. State and local appropriations in this indicator are used for general operations, agriculture-related programs, public student aid, medical education, and support for independent institutions or students attending them. Personal income is income received by all people from participation in production, government and business transfer payments, and government interest. For more information, see MHEC’s research brief, Evaluating State Funding Effort for Higher Education

Data Source

State Higher Education Executive Officers Association. State higher education finance: State effort and capacity to fund higher education.