Midwest Credential Transparency Alliance Meeting-August 2022

Date & Time

The Midwest Credential Transparency Alliance (MCTA) is a regional alliance focused on advancing credential transparency in service of learners, workers, educators, employers and policymakers across the Midwest. The MCTA seeks to reduce barriers to information, ensuring that all individuals have equitable access to the full range of learning, advancement, and meaningful career opportunities in the region.

Quarterly meetings provide an opportunity for building our professional network across the Midwest and identifying topics for engagement.

Whether you are just beginning to explore this topic, or are further along with your development, we welcome you to attend a meeting of the Alliance.

Who should attend:

  • State government officials: Legislators, leaders, Governor’s office staff, and staff connected with state education and workforce departments, agencies, & commissions
  • Secondary and Postsecondary Credential Providers: Presidents, chief academic officers, superintendents, principals, provosts, deans, career services staff, academic affairs staff, & faculty
  • Data managers: Chief technology officers, chief data officers, business analysts, institutional researchers, & registrars
  • Business Community: Hiring managers, human resources staff, economic developers, workforce training professionals, & chambers of commerce

Stay connected to by signing up for our MCTA list server.

If you have any questions, please email mcta@mhec.org.