
Ohio Commissioners

Gary Cates

Ohio Department of Higher Education
Senior Vice Chancellor
Term: 1/9/2023 to 1/8/2027
OH-Commissioner Jerry Cirino

Jerry Cirino

Ohio Legislature
State Senator; Chair, Senate Finance Committee
Term: 1/17/2023 to 12/31/2024
OH Commissioner - Mike Duffey

Mike Duffey

Ohio Department of Higher Education
Term: 1/29/2021, Serves At the Pleasure of the Governor; Ohio Governor's Designee

OH Commissioner Vacancy

Appointing Authority: Governor (at-large member)
OH Commissioner Tom Young

Tom Young

Ohio Legislature
State Representative; Chair, Workforce and Higher Education Committee
Term: 3/3/2025 to 1/1/2027
Member state since January 9, 1991
M-SARA Regional Steering Committee
Mary Kochlefl Xavier University Ohio
Tom Sudkamp Ohio Department of Higher Education Ohio
Midwest Student Exchange Program Council
Stephanie McCann Ohio Department of Higher Education Ohio
Review Panel for State Policy and Performance Data
Student Health Benefits Advisory Committee
Maureen Cahill The Ohio State University Ohio
Katherine "Kat" Lindsey Kent State University Ohio
Technologies Executive Committee
John Rathje Kent State University Main Campus Ohio