
Michigan Commissioners
MI Commissioner - Carol Glanville

Carol Glanville

Michigan Legislature
State Representative; Vice Chair, School Aid and Department of Education Appropriations Subcommittee
Term: 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2024
MI Commissioner Alternate - Daniel J. Hurley

Daniel J. Hurley

Michigan Association of State Universities
Chief Executive Officer
Term: 5/9/2024 to 3/18/2025
MI-Commissioner Brandy Johnson

Brandy M. Johnson

Michigan Community College Association
Term: 5/9/2024 to 3/18/2027
MI Commissioner - Sean McCann

Sean McCann

Michigan Legislature
State Senator; Chair, Universities and Community Colleges Appropriations Subcommittee
Term: 1/22/2025 to 1/13/2027
MI Commissioner - Emma Young

Emma Young

State of Michigan
Policy Analyst to the Governor
Term: 5/9/2024; Serves at the Pleasure of the Governor; Michigan Governor's Designee
Michigan Commissioner Alternates

MI Commissioner Alternate (SBHE) Vacancy

Appointing Authority: MI Governor

MI Commissioner Alternate (MiLEAP) Vacancy

Appointing Authority: Governor
Member state since July 24, 1990
M-SARA Regional Steering Committee
Ahmad Ezzeddine Wayne State University Michigan
Jim Farhat Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity Michigan
Midwest Student Exchange Program Council
Daniel J. Hurley Michigan Association of State Universities Michigan
Open Educational Resources Advisory Committee
Poonam Kumar Saginaw Valley State University Michigan
Ilir Miteza University of Michigan-Dearborn Michigan
Review Panel for State Policy and Performance Data
Mia Murphy Michigan Association of State Universities Michigan
Technologies Executive Committee
Aric Kirkland Eastern Michigan University Michigan